Primary students
Young Historian of the Year, Angus Christie (Year 5) and Senator the Honourable Scott Ryan, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Education. Photo: Steve Keough
The National History Challenge is an exciting opportunity for primary students (Year 5-6) to engage with history in a creative way. The use of imaginative formatting and presentation is highly encouraged.
Primary students may submit an individual research essay of between 800-1000 words including the bibliography. A great place to commence research is our website which is accessible and interactive.
Primary students may also as an individual or group (up to four) create a museum exhibit using either physical or digital mediums. Other formats might include multimedia presentations, performances, websites or any other form of creative representation.
Presentations must have appropriate software to run and exhibits must be portable, light weight, demountable and sturdy enough to transport. They must be submitted in a package that is suitable for transport and be less than 1 metre square when assembled. Entries must be succinct and able to be judged within 10 minutes. All requirements are fully outlined on the National History Challenge website.
Primary teachers are able to incorporate the National History Challenge into part of student assessment or to consider if they have existing assessment tasks which may be submitted as entries.